Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Problem

Marc Lamont Hills is crazy!  Who in their right mind would look at Vogue cover and see LeBron James, as King Kong and Gisele Bundchen as the lady on King Kong!  Marc Hills is a fool!  How do you compare a rap video with the cover of Vogue?  He's talking a whole bunch of bullcrap.  He went and got a doctored and he's talking straight crap!  He says it;s representation.  It's not representation because LeBron James is representing himself and at most he is representing basketball since in the picture he is supposed to be the King of Basketball!  In videos, they have women, many women, on a regular basis, so that it generalizes black, and Hispanic women, and if I go to the highest extent all women in a sexual manner.  It's derogatory!  Using the B-word and saying hoes in reference with women in general is not the same as this cover!  Instead of being overjoyed because there is an African American male on the cover of Vogue, he's going out and spreading these seeds of disunion, of destruction, and of regress!  This, this is the problem with my community:  the black community!

I've seen this for a long time but I just haven't had the right motivation and here it is!  Our community is acting like crabs.  It's just one problem of many, but we're acting like crabs.  Instead of bringing one another up, and helping one another get to the next level, we try to grab onto anyone leaving.  We try to force our way along, and in the process we weigh one another down and bring everyone back to square one!

What Hills is doing is not what he should be doing.  As one who's studied Urban Studies or whatever he studied, he should be working to help us.  It should not be his prerogative to take a cover like that, which was bad only to one interpretation, and cause an issue over it.  In my opinion he should've had more education, more poise, and more class.  He should have pointed out that it was progress, albeit progress that he may not have agreed with.  He should've asked someone working with Vogue about it and he should've brought it up in an inquisitive manner, not an accusatory one!  He seemed like a very smart guy to me, until he opened his mouth and spouted all of that crap.