Friday, July 11, 2008


You dissappointed me Lil Mama, I'm not going to lie. I saw the title, Strike a Pose, and then saw the other title, I'm What it Is, and they struck two different chords in me. One said, crazy dance choreo! I mean, you just come off of America's Best Dance Crew, you've just seen all these dance crews do what you do best, so I mean, you'll undoubtedly have one of them in the video. Strike a Pose... sounds like Fish and Chicks to me... or maybe Kaba Modern. No, I just got Kaba Modern on the brain.

But anyway, then when I saw the second name, I'm What it is I was sure you were going to have Jabawockees come out there and tear it up, seeing as they just won the competition. They're 'what it is'. I was sure that they were going to like jump out of that crowd at any moment, or start dancing on those infamous steps you always tape on.

And then the beat started to actually permeate my thoughts, and get through my expectations. My eyes opened and I saw some throwback gear, a glimpse of a mohawk, spandex, and T-Pain. I think in total I saw 9 seconds of dancing.... oh, yeah, plus the posing. I'm sorry little momma but on the UKUW you get 3 pieds. 1 because of the way it was shot, great colors and themes, very professional, another because I kind of liked the mood and the actual words, and the last only because I had expectations in the first place. because you received a rating of 3 pieds... I'll be waiting for the next big thing from you... don't dissapoint.